Golf bring your own (BYO) golf cart policy and schedule
Golf-Bring-Your-Own-Cart-Policy-November-2024.docx(DOCX, 122KB)
Golf-Bring-Your-Own-Cart-Policy-November-2024.pdf(PDF, 188KB)
Golf-Bring-Your-Own-Cart-Schedule-December-2024.docx(DOCX, 107KB)
Golf-Bring-Your-Own-Cart-Schedule-December-2024.pdf(PDF, 143KB)
Related documents
Maroondah Golf Strategy 2020-2030
Hire-and-BYO-golf-cart-terms-and-conditions-of-use-November-2024.docx(DOCX, 20KB)
Hire-and-BYO-golf-cart-terms-and-conditions-of-use-November-2024.pdf(PDF, 186KB)
Frequently asked questions
Please note there will be no further registrations for BYO carts from July 2024 unless medical exemptions apply as per the BYO cart policy and schedule.
Can I register a new BYO cart?
Only BYO carts that were pre-registered in 2024 are eligible for registration. No new BYO carts are being accepted (unless a medical exemption applies as per the BYO cart schedule).
If I freeze my Maroondah Leisure membership will the registration period for my BYO golf cart extend?
No, the registration fee is an annual fee.
What if my BYO cart doesn’t pass the assessment?
A staff member will advise what needs to be changed for you BYO golf cart to comply. You will have two weeks to comply and will need to rebook and pass an inspection within this timeframe.
Can someone else use my BYO golf cart?
No, only the person who registers the BYO golf cart can use it on the course.
Why is there a cost to register a BYO golf cart?
There is a $250 annual fee to cover administration costs including the inspection and registration process.