Facility features and hire - Maroondah Edge

About Maroondah Edge
Maroondah Edge Centre is an indoor cricket training centre located in Ringwood. This facility is perfect for school or club training groups.
- Convenient location in Jubilee Park, Ringwood
- Large lockers available for cricket bags
- Free accessible parking and designated bus drop off zone
- Air conditioned
- Change facilities and parents room.
Lane hire
- 5 indoor 18 metre lanes
- Radar guns fitted to each lane
*For everybody's safety, helmets are required to be worn by batters and wicket keepers while in the lanes
Bowling machines are also available to hire:
Lane availability
Price list
Lane hire pricelist(DOCX, 64KB)
Maroondah Edge - Facility conditions of entry(DOCX, 37KB)
Enquire now
Maroondah City Council acknowledges the support of the the Victorian Government.