Virtual group fitness classes

Group of people on exercise bikes facing a screen showing a virtual cycle fitness class

Virtual group fitness classes are conducted with a virtual instructor and projected onto a screen in the group fitness studios or cycle studio. The instructor's movements and instructions are viewed in real time, creating an immersive and interactive fitness experience for participants.

Maroondah Leisure offers a wide range of Virtual classes for all types of fitness levels and goals. Check the Virtual program class descriptions to find the activities that suit you best. New releases are added every three months, keeping content fresh and engaging.

See class descriptions

Virtual class timetables and bookings

You can see timetables and book into Virtual group fitness class options via the Technogym app or the buttons below.

Group fitness timetable – Aquanation

Group fitness timetable – Aquahub

Client portal user guide

Fees for virtual classes

  • Maroondah Leisure Members:

         Participation is free

  • Non-members:

Aquanation: Special casual fees apply for virtual classes.

Aquahub: Special casual fees apply for virtual classes.

Terms and conditions:

  • Bookings for classes open 73 hours before the class start time for Wellness Plus members and 49 hours before class start time for all other members and guests.
  • Bookings close 5 minutes prior to the class starting.
  • Casual users must pay at the time of booking. Multi visit passes can be used at the time of booking.
  • We request that all class bookings are cancelled at least 45 minutes prior to the class starting to allow other participants to book. 
  • Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to participate.
  • Children and teens aged between 12 and 15 years can participate in all classes except BODYPUMP without direct supervision but Council highly recommends active supervision by a parent or guardian.


What should I bring with me to a class?

  • A gym towel, drink bottle and exercise mat
  • Members will also need to bring membership card or RFID wristband to access venue
  • Casuals can bring in smart device with booking as proof of purchase

What happens when I get into the studio?

  • Please ensure you arrive at least 5-minutes before the class start time.
  • If any equipment is needed, you will be notified at the start of the class. All equipment is in the group fitness studios, either in the room itself or in the equipment storage cupboards.
  • Before participating in a class, please ensure you are familiar with the light, air conditioning and fan switches, exit points, location of the duress alarm and emergency procedures.

Do I need to do anything after the workout?

  • Please use wipes to clean used equipment
  • Please put away any equipment you have used in the correct location
  • Please turn off any fans (if you have turned any on)
  • Please collect your personal belongings and leave the studio promptly as another class may be starting directly after the class you have participated in.

Can I offer virtual class feedback?

We welcome feedback about virtual classes on our timetable. Please speak to a customer service staff member or complete a customer service feedback form.

Aquanation feedback form

Aquahub feedback form


Do you have further questions?

Please speak to Aquahub's Customer Service or Aquanation's Customer Service