Regular social golfing groups

Ringwood Golf is home to Ringwood Golf Club and many other social and golfing groups, with organised golfing competitions, social events and more.
Bellbirds (9 holes)
- Days: Tuesday mornings
- Time: Tee off: 7:30am (8am March - October)
- Contact: Suzanne Jones (President) 0402 959 317
Mudlarks (9 holes)
- Days: Tuesday mornings
- Time: Tee off: 8am (8:30am March - October)
- Contact: Marion Tremlett (Secretary) 0409 904 417
Kookaburras (9 holes)
- Days: Tuesdays
- Time: Tee off: 9.45am (10.15am March - October)
- Contact: Kaye Tankard 0418 809 911
Red Caps Golf
Ringwood Golf Club Inc.
Ringwood Golf Club organises competitions for their members at Ringwood Golf.